Testing to see if 24h salinity ramps to 46psu increase survivorship post polyp bailout

date created 20210803; date last revised 20210803 hgr post creation


purpose: prevent cell lysis and micropropagule disentegration post polyp bailout. Previous bailout trials ramped Pocillopora acuta to 55-60psu. Most “surving (remaining)” micropropagule tissue did not have the morphological characteristics of recovered polyps and appeared as blobs and stains on settlement substrate photos in polyp bailout repo here. Though ramping to ~58-60psu is beneficial because it results in ~100% polyp bailout within 1d, we want to try ramps that will lessen salinity stress and hopefully promote survivorship and prevalence of “morpholigically” recovered micropropagules

objective: try and replicate figure 1 from Chuang & Mitarai 2020 Coral reefs. Chuang & Mitarai 2020 use a 24h ramp to increase salinity from 35psu to 46psu. info below

comparison our study Chuang & Mitarai
total vol of tank 2L 5L
starting salinity 35.5psu 35ppt
ending salinity psu 46ppt
tank starting vol 1.1L ?
tank ending vol 2L ?
dosing schedule 1 dos 96ml/hr; 4 dos 24ml/hr* adding 4mL/min of 48ppt sw for 1d

-* salinity of seawater being dosed in = 48.2psu -dosing started 20210803 4pm

corals used

frag ID tag ID dosing treatment
s1 0001 1 dos/hr
s2 0001 1 dos/hr
s3 0001 1 dos/hr
s4 0001 1 dos/hr
s5 0026 4 dos/hr
s6 0026 4 dos/hr
s7 0026 4 dos/hr
s8 0026 4 dos/hr
a1 0031 1 dos/hr
a2 0031 1 dos/hr
a3 0031 1 dos/hr
a4 0031 1 dos/hr

plan: take photos of fragments and symbiont cells each day. Salinity probe will track salinity every 10 min in the 1dos/hr container

added 2-3 ~0.5cm2 P. acuta fragments to each chamber (so samples could be sacrificed for symbiont sizes during ramping period)… frags in chambers here

Written on August 3, 2021